Valais Blacknose Sheep
At Aberdeen Acres we are exceptionally proud to announce the start of our Valais Blacknose "Breed Up" program. ​​
Our Breed Up program follows the guidelines expressed by the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society (VBSS) and the American Valais Blacknose Sheep Registry (AVBSR) where ewes of consequent generations are bred to purebred stock, increasing the purity of each lamb until the later generations are recognized as purebred Valais Blacknose.
The Valais Blacknose is a rare Swiss heritage breed of sheep, originating in the Valais region of Switzerland. They are commonly raised for meat due to their large size, and also for their wool. There are currently only about 13,700 registered animals in the Swiss herdbooks.
Our Flock
To book a farm tour to meet our shetland sheep or inquire about purchasing lambs, ewes, or rams please send us a message.